Many would agree that mankind appears to  have lost its moral compass, the ability to understand the connection between conduct and consequence. The gods of money, power and status are worshipped by those who ‘have’ and pursued by those who ‘have not’. Superficiality and temporary commitment  are just another means of avoiding pain, leading to further disillusionment.  At times the disconnect seems almost complete. Whether we recognise it or not, we are more than a physical body, our origin is spiritual… we simply need to remember who we are, where we come from and how to get back.

REMEMBERING THE SOUL: Ancient wisdom views the soul as the eternal aspect  of consciousness, residing temporarily in the  physical body. We are connected body and soul through our thoughts and emotions but the pull of the physical world is great… we forget the invisible intangible part of our selves, our true identity. Religions offer various paths to  assist our journey while philosophers attempt to define the exact nature of the soul. Both neglect to impart the wonder of the spiritual essence or radiance with which each one of us is imbued. Without this we forget our true heritage and purpose and become distracted by the world. At birth the soul remains connected to the source  by a non physical umbilical cord, described in the literature as ‘the silver cord’ through which the soul continues to receive intuitive guidance from the non material realm.  At the point of death this cord disconnects from the body in the same way the umbilical cord of the baby is cut to allow separation from the mother at birth. What we term ‘death’ is in reality a spiritual transition.

Just as the umbilical cord of the child  in the womb pulsates with the blood of the mother, so the spiritual cord can be see to pulsate with the light which is the essence of spirit. This is the source of life, the etheric energy which flows to the crown of the infant’s head during pregnancy and beyond, connecting through the spine to the developing subtle energy systems of the body.  From birth the crown or ‘fontanelle’  remains open, closing completely after a period of months to facilitate the anatomical connections which allow the light to be transmitted via the subtle energy system.

The colour and light emanating from all living things, recorded and measured by today’s technology, confirms the observations of mystics and those with clairvoyant vision through the ages. The electromagnetic field or human aura  is composed of myriad vibrational fields, the higher the frequency, the greater the light. This is how a spiritual master is recognised. This unique spiritual essence emanating as light, surrounding the physical body from birth to death is often referred to as ‘the garment of the soul’. This electromagnetic field develops exponentially in three 7 year stages and is complete at age 21, the reason this was formerly considered the age of majority. For the first seven years of life the subtle energy field connections remain open, maintaining a link with the higher vibrational frequency, the reason children frequently perceive the invisible worlds. By the age of 7 the chakras  begin to operate independently to encourage individuality and to allow free will to operate.

The electromagnetic field is strengthened and renewed or weakened and impaired by our choices and beliefs and our response to circumstances. Throughout life we are influenced by multiple factors, family, parenting, ethnicity, wealth, status, education etc. this is the journey of the soul. There is a wealth of evidence to demonstrate pre-destination, a pre determined plan for the soul. The energy field is a mirror of our personality, an ever changing reflection of thoughts, feelings and beliefs and past, present and future intentions. Positive thoughts and harmonious feelings radiate at a greater intensity than negative thoughts and emotions, worries and concerns which register at a denser frequency. Selfish demands, blaming others and holding on to past hurts creates cumulative negative frequencies, impacting upon the organs and systems of the body, resulting in disorder and eventual symptom patterns. We are in effect master weavers, weaving the garment of the soul from moment to moment to nurture or deplete ourselves.


Most would agree that selfishness, superficiality and a sense of entitlement have largely replaced respect and dignity for the world in which we live and for those we share it with, hardly surprising then that we have created an impaired planetary field which reflects a ME rather than a WE attitude. Just as the body can survive chronic illness for a time, before it is overwhelmed by its own toxicity so the collective energy field of humanity is experiencing the cumulative effects of its impulses past and present. The environment is currently reflecting our choices back to us.

The Covid 19 virus has decimated the population of the world, mirroring our own self destructive process. Forced to self isolate and to practice social distancing, unemployment soars, education, sports and recreation are halted or curtailed and mental health declines. We are faced with an impossible dilemma –  the health of the nation V the economy.

Those who are yearning for a return to ‘normality’ have yet to grasp the enormity of what is occurring. To survive, humanity is required not only to adapt but to change, nothing less than a complete reversal of all that has led to our present circumstances will be enough. To do that we must understand the contributory factors.  We are unable or unwilling to accept that decades of materialism have led to spiritual compromise, that we are reaping the whirlwind of our choices.  Competition and greed have directed the world economy, leaving millions without the means to fulfil even basic needs.  Becoming disconnected from the higher stream of consciousness we have allowed unfettered  biotechnology, animal research and genetic modification in agriculture and medicine. By looking the other way we allowed animal experimentation unhampered by spiritual ethics.

There have been positive aspects to the pandemic, with time to spare many are rediscovering creative pursuits and enjoying  time spent together, an opportunity to reflect on priorities. Before we rush headlong like lemmings over the cliff we can take time to pause, to connect to the part of ourselves which links us to something greater. Joining together in communities large and small to create unified global networks, we can become the human family we were ever meant to be

Emerald Alignment is a simple method to assist relaxation, focusing beyond our thoughts and feelings to attune to positive energy. Practiced daily it will reduce stress, and promote calmness and peace and is a valuable aid to meditation.

Free download: The Science of Healing manual


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